Holding Izzy is pure sweetness...well, when she's not screaming. She managed to find some down time for me to hold her the morning after I first saw her. I'm amazed by her red hair!!
A short while later, Shoobie wanted to jump on his new trampoline with me. He wouldn't let go, but later that day he told me to get off. Classic Shoobie-style.
And when he had the trampoline to himself, he was like the Energizer bunny. He wouldn't stop. Nor could he decide whether he wanted someone to jump with him or if would rather jump alone.
I felt proud to hold my niece. My first niece by blood. It's astonishing how much she looks like her mom, Jennifer. Her hair just glows, and everyone takes notice. This was a great moment just before I departed to head back to Dallas from my weekend getaway to spend time with the family in Austin.
What a proud Uncle! You make an awesome one too!! I love Izzy and Shoobie's nicknames... I need to come up with some neat ones for my little ones....
Awww. Thank you very much. They are my pride. I sort of live vicariously through family and friends who actually have their own kids now LOL. Marco and I talk about kids and want them. One day...I hope. I believe it will happen.
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